Monday, 16 March 2009

The founder of MissionMiraculous is impatient, egotistic, erratic, chaotic and bi-polar. In setting up the companion blogs and asking me to make a practice of publishing things on them both regularly, she hoped with great self-importance, to find that almost overnight the blogs would be capturing the avid attention of any number of people interested in matters to do with daily living and in relation to mental health matters.

In my recent meetings with her I notice she begins to look disillusioned. I have talked with her about the importance of learning curves, of coherent thinking and audience related market research, of patience and perseverence. Currently she just visits both blogs daily to look for comments and finds none and then goes back to bed.

Deplorable conduct I must say. Especially as she blames me for the matter. I'm not in the least bit impressed with her attitude and I've told her so in no uncertain terms. Not that she was listening over much..

Meanwhile I have to ignore her and let her indulge in her childish whining. We have more important things to do.

You may be pleased to hear that some progress is being made on the website building front and there's an outside chance that the home page will be up and online by 31st March. It's less than we had hoped to achieve by that date but it is the minimum achievement we had bench-marked as criterian for our plans so.. More on that in the next posting.

On 4th April a number of people are meeting in Birmingham in relation to a mental health training course some of us did between November 08 and February 09. MissionMiraculous has a particular interest in this group. If anything of interest comes from the encounter we shall get back to you.

Something I haven't mentioned to you before is that five of us with a possible interest in developing MissionMiraculous met together a few weeks ago to form a mission statement for the company to go forward in due course as it is registered with companies house, probably as a Community Interest Company with a Social Enterprise label. When this is finalised and agreed it will be posted on the website. If the website is delayed for any reason it will be posted on this blog in the interim.

MissionMiraculous will be a company that works more as an umbrella for a range of activities than as a laser for one specific goal. The umbrella will broadly encompass values as articulated in the by-line to Amazing Lives (see above), which statement is the initial wording of the mission statement.

To deliver its mission aims and objectives, MM will be focussing on a wide range of ideological, educational, political, creative and commercial services, events and products designed to further goals of challenging prejudice and developing understanding and improving services in relation to the concepts and experiences of 'mental health and illness'.

MissionMiraculous is not informed by a conventionally 'anti-psychiatry' perspective. It does, however, have fundamental criticisms of the historical and contemporary theoreticaL framework and social-economic status and positioning of psychiatry within the culture of 'mental illness' experience and containment. It also has a remit to address these problems in practice as well as theory with or without the co-operation of psychiatry as an institution, rubric and community.

As MissionMiraculous Content Editor and Commissioner I am very keen to encounter individuals training or trained in psychiatry who have a genuine ability to recognise the intellectual bankruptcy of contemporary psychiatric theories. If you are one such, or you know of one - please let me know. Use the comments ref in the box below, press on it and write to me. Alternatively, write to the editor at Any correspondence will be attended to and responded to where appropriate within 5 working days of receipt.

Over and Out,

Your devoted editor.


  1. Me again, your slightly remiss editor : please accept my apologies if you ended up with the feeling in the above posting that I am only i nterested in hearing from psychiatrists. Far from it!! I am interested in interaction with anyone from any walk of life who shares interests/purposes with MissionMiraculous.

    I hope this clears up any possible misunderstanding

  2. Hi Ed,
    Have found you at last- the 'spelling mistake' threw me.

    Would like to think you might get responses from 'mental health professionals' including Psychiatrists but I won't be holding my breath!!
